Israel in Canadian Campus Media

This blog exists for the purpose of keeping people informed as to how Israel is being discussed in Canadian campus media. It is maintained by a York University student.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

The Silhouette: Opinions Section

McMaster students: The Silhouette has included an opinion piece that while it includes some true statements, is very critical of McMaster's Zionists.
"To be a Jew is not necessarily to be a Zionist. To be a Zionist is not necessarily to condone Israeli political action. The Zionists at McMaster may disagree with me, but I believe that one can support the idea of a State of Israel while at the same time condemn the ways in which it was established and the ways it continues to 'defend itself,' or rather, the type of political personality that it has developed."


"The Jewish Students Association should represent all Jews and Jewish viewpoints and its apparently strengthening alliance with the McMaster Zionists sends the simple message that all Jews support Israel. I strongly feel that this message is not at all simple, nor is it accurate."



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