Last week, updated=this week
Last week, I wrote:
No, that's self-defense, if the "suspected militant" is a known murderer.
Also, props to Hillel past-president Jordie Saperia for this excellent op-ed.
McGill continues in the train of schools (at last count, now four) that have hosted Uri Davis.
McGill Daily coverage:
More to come.
I wrote an Excal editorial, though I often feel like I'm trying to stop a tidal wave with a teacup. Expect responses to rip me apart.Here we go this week :
"In her treatment of terrorism, we again notice Ms. Libman's bias. She rightfully denounces Beslan, the bus bombing in Beersheba, and 9/11. But she avoids putting these events into context. She conveniently forgets to mention the virtual razing to the ground of the Chechen capital of Grozny (home to one million people). She also forgets to mention that four times more Palestinians than Israelis have been killed during this Intifada. When a Palestinian bomber hits a bus full of civilians, that's terrorism, but when an Israeli helicopter gunship fires rockets into a crowd of civilians and one "suspected militant", that's also terrorism!"
No, that's self-defense, if the "suspected militant" is a known murderer.
Also, props to Hillel past-president Jordie Saperia for this excellent op-ed.
McGill continues in the train of schools (at last count, now four) that have hosted Uri Davis.
McGill Daily coverage:
The State of Israel is not a real democracy but an apartheid state aided by Canada in its deflagration of human rights, accused Dr. Uri Davis, founder of the Movement Against Israeli Apartheid in Israel.
More to come.
At 12:03 p.m.,
Marc said…
No, that's self-defense, if the "suspected militant" is a known murderer.Silly Aliza, don't you know that Israel is not entitled to defend itself! And, if you don't sympathize with terrorists that makes you a biased journalist. You have to put terrorism into context so that we can begin to understand why the victims deserve it.
/sarcasm off
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